Results for 'Frédéric Migayrou Brayer'

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  1. Symbiosis, lateral function transfer and the (many) saplings of life.Frédéric Bouchard - 2010 - Biology and Philosophy 25 (4):623-641.
    One of intuitions driving the acceptance of a neat structured tree of life is the assumption that organisms and the lineages they form have somewhat stable spatial and temporal boundaries. The phenomenon of symbiosis shows us that such ‘fixist’ assumptions does not correspond to how the natural world actually works. The implications of lateral gene transfer (LGT) have been discussed elsewhere; I wish to stress a related point. I will focus on lateral function transfer (LFT) and will argue, using examples (...)
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  2. Particulars of my life.B. Frederic Skinner - 1976 - Behaviorism 4 (2):257-271.
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  3. Consciousness as Recursive, Spatiotemporal Self Location.Frederic Peters - 2010 - Psychological Research.
    At the phenomenal level, consciousness can be described as a singular, unified field of recursive self-awareness, consistently coherent in a particualr way; that of a subject located both spatially and temporally in an egocentrically-extended domain, such that conscious self-awareness is explicitly characterized by I-ness, now-ness and here-ness. The psychological mechanism underwriting this spatiotemporal self-locatedness and its recursive processing style involves an evolutionary elaboration of the basic orientative reference frame which consistently structures ongoing spatiotemporal self-location computations as i-here-now. Cognition computes action-output (...)
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    Constraint acquisition.Christian Bessiere, Frédéric Koriche, Nadjib Lazaar & Barry O'Sullivan - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 244 (C):315-342.
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    Random constraint satisfaction: Easy generation of hard (satisfiable) instances.Ke Xu, Frédéric Boussemart, Fred Hemery & Christophe Lecoutre - 2007 - Artificial Intelligence 171 (8-9):514-534.
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    The Concept of Private Meaning in Modern Criticism.Frederic K. Hargreaves Jr - 1981 - Critical Inquiry 7 (4):727-746.
    In sum, major critics of the twentieth century continually insist that poetry's unique value lies in its ability to convey meanings for which there are no public criteria whatsoever. But there are no such meanings, and to praise a poem for conveying them is empty. Again, these critics assume that what we understand by emotion is to be identified simply with an inner experience or state of mind and that this state of mind is what is conveyed by, or gives (...)
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    Les plaintes de santé publique à l’épreuve du pénal.Frédéric Berteau - 2008 - Médecine et Droit 2008 (91):127-128.
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    Four Academics Essays. Johann Heinrich Lambert.Frédéric de Buzon - 2018 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 44:127-148.
    Les Essais réunis ici sont des interventions de Lambert à l’Académie des sciences de Berlin. Le Discours de réception envisage la question des secours mutuels que peuvent s’apporter les classes de l’Académie (et, à travers elles, les domaines du savoir qu’elles représentent). Les Observations sur quelques dimensions du monde intellectuel abordent, à travers la question du sublime, la manière dont quelques aspects du « monde physique » sont transférés aux dénominations dans le « monde intellectuel », c’est-à-dire celui de la (...)
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    Les concepts meurent-ils? Survivances et revenances dans les sciences.Frédéric Fruteau de Laclos - 2022 - Philosophia Scientiae 26:151-167.
    Les concepts scientifiques, même usés, même désuets, ne sont jamais définitivement périmés. Ils peuvent toujours faire retour dans les conjonctures théoriques ultérieures. Cela tient à la nature très particulière du concept, irréductible aux descriptions positivistes : issus de l’expérience et ayant vocation à en rendre raison, les concepts représentent autant d’arrachements à l’expérience et de survols explicatifs de l’expérience. Des épistémologues antipositivistes du xxe siècle ont été attentifs à de telles caractéristiques philosophiques. On expose ici leur modèle de la conceptualisation (...)
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    Flumen Historicum (Victor Cousin's Aesthetic and Sources)The Bride and the Bachelors: The Heretical Courtship in Modern Art.Remy G. Saisselin, Frederic Will & Calvin Tomkins - 1966 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 25 (1):112.
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    « Parler d’une tombe anticipée » : l’existence posthume d’Auguste Comte.Frédéric Dupin - 2015 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 52:131-160.
    « L’attitude posthume » revendiquée par son auteur à partir de 1855 définit un point de vue singulier sur la dernière philosophie d’Auguste Comte. Cet article se propose d’en caractériser les principaux aspects. La thématique de la « tombe anticipée»s’inscrit en effet tout d’abord dans le cadre de la doctrine positiviste de l’Humanité comme continuité subjective ; elle opère ensuite comme règle éditoriale en invitant à reconfigurer la production comtienne à l’aune d’une transmissibilité intégrale ; elle autorise enfin à questionner (...)
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    Editorial: High Performance Cognition: Information-Processing in Complex Skills, Expert Performance, and Flow.Benjamin Ultan Cowley, Frederic Dehais, Stephen Fairclough, Alexander John Karran, Jussi Palomäki & Otto Lappi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity presents Bioethics and the future of medicine: a Christian appraisal.John Frederic Kilner, Nigel M. S. Cameroden & David L. Schiedermayer (eds.) - 1995 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co..
    "The extensive attention devoted to abortion has led Christians for too long to overlook much of the exploding bioethics agenda. Moreover, to focus only on 'issues' is to fail to address the profound changes taking place in the very nature of the medical profession. This book signals the commitment of the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity to help expand the church's bioethical vision and to foster a more substantial Christian contribution to the public debate."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by (...)
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    Avant-propos.Stéphane Feuillas & Frédéric Wang - 2020 - Diogène n° 265-265 (1-2):3-11.
    Dans le courant du XVII e siècle se multiplient en Chine les discours sur l’amitié. En partie liés à la déliquescence des structures traditionnelles et notamment familiales qui servaient de base au fonctionnement social de l’empire, ils proposent de réévaluer le lien amical dans l’organisation politique. He Xinyin (1517-1579) est à cet égard l’un des penseurs les plus innovants et radicaux. À travers la lecture de quelques essais majeurs recueillis dans le recueil de ses œuvres complètes, l’article entend expliciter la (...)
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    Convolution and modal representations in Thagard and Stewart’s neural theory of creativity: a critical analysis.Pierre Poirier & Jean-Frédéric Pasquale - 2016 - Synthese 193 (5):1535-1560.
    According to Thagard and Stewart :1–33, 2011), creativity results from the combination of neural representations, and combination results from convolution, an operation on vectors defined in the holographic reduced representation framework. They use these ideas to understand creativity as it occurs in many domains, and in particular in science. We argue that, because of its algebraic properties, convolution alone is ill-suited to the role proposed by Thagard and Stewart. The semantic pointer concept allows us to see how we can apply (...)
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  16. ¿ Empieza Africa con los Pirineos? los relatos de viaje en la formación de los tipos nacionales: el caso franco-español en el siglo XVII.Jean Frédéric Schaub - 1991 - El Basilisco 7:61-68.
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    Ontologie contemporaine : Structure, Identité et Métaontologie.Yann Schmitt & Frédéric Nef - 2017 - Paris, France: Vrin.
    Avec des textes de D. Armstrong, M.Esfeld, K. Fine, D. Lewis, H. Mellot, K. Mulligan, M. Rea, P. Unger, P. van Inwagen, D. Zimmerman. L’ontologie est la partie de la métaphysique qui traite de l’être en général, et non d’un être en particulier, et son domaine d’enquête excède même le monde actuel puisqu’elle porte sur l’ensemble du possible, sur les objets possibles et réels ainsi que sur leurs propriétés ou sur leurs structures ultimes. Ce volume fournit les textes fondamentaux pour (...)
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  18. Goal-driven hypothesis testing in a rule discovery task.Frédéric Vallée-Tourangeau & Teresa Payton - 2008 - In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky (eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 2122--2127.
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  19. Bleibt diachrone personale Identität unergründlich?Nils-Frederic Wagner - 2013 - In Gasser/Schmidhuber Georg/Martina (ed.), Personale Identität, Narrativität und Praktische Rationalität. Mentis.
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    An experimental analogue of repression: III. The effect of induced failure and success on memory measured by recall.Anchard Frederic Zeller - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 42 (1):32.
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    Fengshui, or the Search for a Very Human Dragon.Frédéric Obringer - 2005 - Diogenes 52 (3):55-63.
    Fengshui is a practice and skill whose origins go back to Chinese antiquity. It is about finding the best possible arrangement in space to position a grave or a habitation in such a way that human beings who have a link with that place might have success and happiness. The basic idea is that a good geomantic site will fill the distant ancestors with peace in their grave and that they will thus do everything to help their family. The text (...)
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    How do we account for the absence of “change deafness”?Frédéric Isel - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (5):988-988.
    O'Regan & Noë (O&N) argue that there is no need of internal, more or less picture-like, representation of the visual world in the brain. They propose a new approach in which vision is a mode of exploration of the world that is mediated by knowledge of sensorimotor contingencies. Data obtained in “change blindness” experiments support this assumption.
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    Des fourmis et des hommes : examen des prémisses darwiniennes dans la pensée de Benoît Dubreuil. Benoît Dubreuil, Human Evolution and the Origins of HierarchiesBenoît Dubreuil, Human Evolution and the Origins of Hierarchies.Frédéric Bouchard - 2012 - Philosophiques 39 (1):265-270.
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    The Reality of Propositions.Frederic B. Fitch - 1955 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (1):3 - 13.
    Most traditional systems of metaphysics do not seem to assert that there are such things as propositions. This appears to me to be a defect in such systems, especially as each such system is really itself a class of propositions or a single complex proposition.
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    Henri Bergson, Les deux sources de la morale et de la religion, Félix Alcan, Paris, 1932.Nikolai Lossky & Frederic Tremblay - 2017 - Studies in East European Thought 69 (1):25-27.
    This is a translation from the Russian of Nikolai Lossky’s review of Henri Bergson, Les deux sources de la morale et de la religion (1932). The review was published in the Parisian émigré journal Новый Град (Cité nouvelle) in 1932. In this review, Lossky criticizes Bergson for leaving some key problems of the philosophy of religion unresolved, namely that of God’s relation to the world (theism vs. pantheism), that of immortality, as well as that of evil. He also criticizes Bergson’s (...)
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  26. Malebranche. Une philosophie de l'expérience, coll. « Bibliothèque des philosophes ».Denis Moreau, Frédéric de Buzon & Pierrette Bonnet - 2005 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 195 (2):224-226.
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    L'imagination crépusculaire.Frédéric Neyrat - 2012 - Multitudes 48 (1):135-144.
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    A philosophical study of religion in Africa: going beyond religious traditions.Frederic Ntedika Mvumbi - 2010 - Nairobi: [S.N.].
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    A defense of Collingwood's theory of presuppositions.John Frederic Post - 1965 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 8 (1-4):332 – 354.
    Collingwood's theory of presuppositions has never been taken very seriously. But critics have completely overlooked its significance as a theory or model of inquiry intimately tied to certain aspects of discourse in a context of investigation. Viewed this way, Collingwood's theory is on very strong ground, especially when it is reconstructed with the aid of a formal language. The reconstruction shows what is essential to the theory and what is not, allowing us to disregard those of Collingwood's extravagant claims which (...)
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  30. Philodemus : Avocatio and the Pathos of Distance in Lucretius and Vergil.Frederic M. Schroeder - 2004 - In David Armstrong (ed.), Vergil, Philodemus, and the Augustans. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press. pp. 139-156.
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    The Nature of Culture. Towards a Realist Phenomenology of Material, Animal and Human Nature.Frederic Vandenberghe - 2003 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 33 (4):461-475.
    In an ironic rejoinder to the postmodern politics of nature, I will adopt an anthropological perspective on culture, which is conspicuous by its absence in the latest wave of science studies, and reformulate the distinction between nature and culture as a reflexive distinction within culture that emerges with modernity. In order to countering the hypertextualism of the constructivists, I will next sketch out a realist theory of nature. Combining the transcendental realism of Roy Bhaskar with the transcendental phenomenology of Edmund (...)
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  32. Bausteine der Zukunft.Frederic Vester - 1968 - (Frankfurt a.: M., Hamburg) Fischer-Bücherei.
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    Edward Pols, "Whitehead's Metaphysics: A Critical Examination". [REVIEW]Paul Frederic Schmidt - 1969 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 7 (1):99.
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    Gerald N. Izenberg, "The Existential Critique of Freud: The Crisis of Autonomy". [REVIEW]Paul Frederic Schmidt - 1979 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 17 (1):118.
  35. Pierre-Marie Morel, Aristote : une philosophie de l'activité. Paris, Éditions Flammarion, 2003, 306 p. [REVIEW]Frederic Tremblay - 2006 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 62 (2):412-418.
  36. Book Review. [REVIEW]Frederic Wakeman Jr - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (4):603-605.
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  37. Nicholas Rescher, Metaphysics: The Key Issues From A Realistic Perspective, Amherst (NY): Prometheus Books, 2006, 352 pages. [REVIEW]Frédéric Tremblay - 2007 - Philosophiques 34 (1):217-219.
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  38. Review: Jack L. Maatsch, Richard A. Behan, A More Rigorous Theoretical Language. [REVIEW]Frederic B. Fitch - 1954 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 19 (2):145-145.
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    Jean-Claude Schmitt, Le saint lévrier. Guinefort, guérisseur d'enfants depuis le xiiie siècle. Paris, Éditions Flammarion (coll. « Champs »), 2004, 283 p. Éric Baratay, L'Église et l'animal (France, xviie-xxe siècle). Paris, Les Éditions du Cerf (coll. « Histoire »), 1996, 382 p.Jean-Claude Schmitt, Le saint lévrier. Guinefort, guérisseur d'enfants depuis le xiiie siècle. Paris, Éditions Flammarion (coll. « Champs »), 2004, 283 p.Éric Baratay, L'Église et l'animal (France, xviie-xxe siècle). Paris, Les Éditions du Cerf (coll. « Histoire »), 1996, 382 p. [REVIEW]Frédéric Laugrand - 2007 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 63 (2):429-430.
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    Book Review: Frederic Lawrence Holmes, Investigative Pathways: Patterns and Stages in the Careers of Experimental Scientists. [REVIEW]Frederic Lawrence Holmes - 2004 - Journal of the History of Biology 37 (3):585-588.
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    Burnt in Your Memory or Burnt Memory? Ethical Issues with Optogenetics for Memory Modification.Frederic Gilbert, Alexander R. Harris & Michael Kidd - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 12 (1):22-24.
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  42. Mi-pinḳaso shel rofe: sugiyot ṿe-dilemot be-etiḳah, ba-refuʼah uva-halakhah.Menachem Haim Brayer - 2016 - Bene Beraḳ: [Menaḥem Ḥayim Brayer].
    Toldot ha-meḥaber - Petaḥ davar -- Psikhonoyroʼimunologyah, yaḥase gomlin nefesh guf -- Hakarat ha-ṭov la-tseṿet ha-metapel -- Peʻilut hatsalah ha-ʻalulah le-hasev nezaḳim -- ha-Ḥoleh ha-sofani ha-noṭeh la-mut -- ʻAl saf gesher ha-ḥayim -- Ḳedushat ha-ḥayim -- Ḥoleh dimenṭi, ḥasar deʻah, Altshaimer -- Ḥolim ḳashim ʻim ekhut ḥayim yerudah u-mugbaluyot -- Refuʼat nashim (geniḳologyah), ʻubarim, yiludim ṿi-yeladim -- Bediḳot seḳer -- Amirat emet la-ḥoleh.
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    Mimèsis, un design vivant: dans les collections du Centre Pompidou.Marie-Ange Brayer & Olivier Zeitoun (eds.) - 2022 - Metz: Centre Pompidou-Metz.
    Le catalogue d'une exposition s'inscrivant dans la suite de Design et merveilleux (MAMC Saint-Etienne, 2018) et la Fabrique du vivant (Centre Pompidou Paris, 2019). Elle présente le lien du biomorphisme du design moderniste au biomimétisme contemporain ainsi qu'à la biofabrication et à la recréation du vivant par le design numérique.--Exhibition: Centre Pompidou-Metz, France (11.06.2022-06.02.2023).
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    Deep Brain Stimulation: Inducing Self-Estrangement.Frederic Gilbert - 2017 - Neuroethics 11 (2):157-165.
    Despite growing evidence that a significant number of patients living with Parkison’s disease experience neuropsychiatric changes following Deep Brain Stimulation treatment, the phenomenon remains poorly understood and largely unexplored in the literature. To shed new light on this phenomenon, we used qualitative methods grounded in phenomenology to conduct in-depth, semi-structured interviews with 17 patients living with Parkinson’s Disease who had undergone DBS. Our study found that patients appear to experience postoperative DBS-induced changes in the form of self-estrangement. Using the insights (...)
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    Frédéric Nef, L'Anti-Hume: De la logique des relations à la métaphysique des connexions, Paris: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 2017. [REVIEW]Frédéric Tremblay - 2020 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 106 (2):289-295.
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    Critical realist hermeneutics.Frédéric Vandenberghe - 2022 - Journal of Critical Realism 21 (5):552-570.
    The article resituates critical realism within critical theory and proposes a tripartite articulation of British critical realism, German critical theory and French anti-utilitarianism. It suggests that the critique of positivism has to be enhanced with a critique of utilitarianism and makes the case that both critiques have to be grounded in a hermeneutic approach to social life. By taking the symbolic constitution of the world seriously, critical realist hermeneutics offers a via media between naturalism and anti-naturalism, explanation and interpretation, universalism (...)
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    Understanding Action: An Essay on Reasons.Frederic Schick - 1991 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is an important new book about human motivation, about the reasons people have for their actions. What is distinctively new about it is its focus on how people see or understand their situations, options, and prospects. By taking account of people's understandings, Professor Schick is able to expand the current theory of decision and action. The author provides a perspective on the topic by outlining its history. He defends his new theory against criticism, considers its formal structure, and shows (...)
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    Deep Brain Stimulation and Postoperative Suicidality Among Treatment Resistant Depression Patients: Should Eligibility Protocols Exclude Patients with a History of Suicide Attempts and Anger/Impulsivity?Frédéric Gilbert - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 4 (1):28-35.
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  49. Dutch bookies and money pumps.Frederic Schick - 1986 - Journal of Philosophy 83 (2):112-119.
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    I Miss Being Me: Phenomenological Effects of Deep Brain Stimulation.Frederic Gilbert, Eliza Goddard, John Noel M. Viaña, Adrian Carter & Malcolm Horne - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 8 (2):96-109.
    The phenomenological effects of deep brain stimulation (DBS) on the self of the patient remains poorly understood and under described in the literature, despite growing evidence that a significant number of patients experience postoperative neuropsychiatric changes. To address this lack of phenomenological evidence, we conducted in-depth, semistructured interviews with 17 patients with Parkinson's disease who had undergone DBS. Exploring the subjective character specific to patients' experience of being implanted gives empirical and conceptual understanding of the potential phenomenon of DBS-induced self-estrangement. (...)
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